
En fransk berättelse

Varför berättar inte svenska media om det som media i andra länder berättar? Varför rapporterar man inte om överreppen mot den invandringskritiska partiet Vlaams Belang i Belgien? Varför skriver man inte om den våldsamma rasism som förekommer i Frankrike, riktad mot fransmän?

Uppenbarligen för att de som bestämmer inom media har en annan uppfattning om vilken slags berättelse de vill göra tillgänglig för svenska läsare.

Blågula frågor återger här delar av en artikel från den amerikanska tidningen Weekly Standard den 11/4 -05, om aktuella händelser i Frankrike:


"FREDERIC  ENCEL, PROFESSOR OF international relations at the prestigious Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris and a man not known for crying wolf,  recently stated that France is becoming a new Lebanon. The implication,  far-fetched though it may seem, was that civil upheaval might be no more than a  few years off, sparked by growing ethnic and religious polarization. In recent  weeks, a series of events has underlined this ominous trend."

En professor varnar för att Frankrike kan blir ett nytt Libanon. Några händelser de senaste veckorna pekar mot svåra sociala sammanstötningar inom några år.

"On March 8,  tens of thousands of high school students marched through central Paris to  protest education reforms announced by the government.
Repeatedly, peaceful  demonstrators were attacked by bands of black and Arab youths--about 1,000 in  all, according to police estimates. The eyewitness accounts of victims,  teachers, and most interestingly the attackers themselves gathered by the  left-wing daily Le Monde confirm the motivation: racism."

Fredligt demonstrerande fransmän angreps av en mobb på ett 1000-tal araber och negrer. Motivet var rasistiskt.

"Some of the  attackers openly expressed their hatred of 'little French people.' One  18-year-old named Heikel, a dual citizen of France and
Tunisia, was proud of his  actions. He explained that he had joined in just to 'beat people up,' especially  'little Frenchmen who look like victims.'
He added with a satisfied smile that  he had "a pleasant memory" of repeatedly kicking a student, already defenseless  on the ground."

En ung tunisier uttryckte hat mot "de små fransmännen" och var stolt över vad han gjort. Han anslöt sig just för att spöa upp folk. Han tillade, med ett förnjöt leende, att han hade ett angenämt minne av att ha sparkat på en student som låg försvarslös på marken.

"Another attacker explained the violence by saying that  'little whites' don't know how to fight and 'are afraid because they are  cowards.' Rachid,
an Arab attacker, added that even an Arab can be considered a  'little white' if he 'has a French mindset.' The general sentiment was a desire to 'take revenge on whites.'

En annan angripare förklarade att man ville ta hämnd på de vita, dessa ynkryggar som inte kan slåss.

"Sometimes petty theft appeared to be the  initial motivation. One or two bullies would approach a student and ask for  money or a cell phone. Even
if the victim complied right away, they would start  beating him or her. A striking account was provided by Luc Colpart, a history  and geography
teacher and member of the far-left union SUD. Colpart said the  scenes of violence were so disturbing that he could not sleep for days. He saw
students being beaten or pulled by the hair. He stressed that assailants who  stole cell phones smashed them in front of their victims: 'It was a game. Hatred  and fun.'"

Ofta börjar det med rån, men även där offret direkt lämnar ifrån sig sina ägodelar följer man upp med misshandel.

"Colpart, who is active in anti-racist causes, confirmed that  'these were racial assaults,' and the attackers used 'far-right slurs, violent  and racist.' One black student he saw come to the defense of a fellow student under attack by three blacks was called 'a white sellout' by the assailants.  Some scores of victims were taken to hospitals. Those who were interviewed  confirmed that they had been caught up in an 'anti-white' rampage and that the  cops did nothing to protect them."

En person, aktiv i en antirasism-organisation, fick problem med nattsömnen efter att ha bevittnat den rasistiska och råa misshandeln.

"Julliard, writing in the Nouvel  Observateur, expressed dismay at the lack of public outcry over this display of  racial hatred. He added that the
left had already made the mistake of not  denouncing violence in schools or soaring crime rates. And he sharply rejected  the view endorsed by most
left-wing organizations and individuals that the  violence was an expression of class struggle, a clash between rich and poor.  'Anyone should be ashamed,' Julliard wrote, 'after all we went through in the  20th century, to offer such a coarse explanation. . . . There is no good and bad racism.'"

En skribent kritiserar vänstern för att inte ha reagerat mot våld och ökande kriminalitet. "Det finns inte god och dålig rasism".

"Obin discusses the attitudes of Muslim  students, some as young as first graders. He reports, for instance, that Muslim  students, asked their
nationality, answer, "Muslim." When they are told that  this is not a nationality and they are French, some insist that they can't be  French
since they are Muslim. This should come as no surprise. The presidential commission that examined the issue of secularism in 2003 reported that
'extremist groups are working to test the Republic's strength and push some young people to reject France and her values.'"

Muslimska studenter ser sig inte som fransmän, de ser "muslim" som sin nationella identitet.

I Frankrike är nu 8 procent av befolkningen muslimer.

Av artikeln framgår även att vita fransmän alltmer börjar kalla sig själva "Gaulois", en etniskt avskiljande beteckning.



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En svensk berättelse

Långväga gäster