In English


Blågula FRÅGOR has devoted itself mainly to immigration- och asylum policy. We claim that this policy now lacks solidarity as well as neglects Swedish interests.

Our group want to adress other topics as well, important for the future of Sweden: democracy and mass media, crime policy and peoples rights, social welfare and school issues, unemployment and the economy. We do not always have the answears, but at least we try to ask relevant questions. (See the paragraph about our goals.)

Important aspects of progress seem inevitable, beyond the reach of influence by the public. Our democracy is in crisis! But we should at least be able to accomplish a civilized dialogue and a respect for democratic principles.

Some people get provoked by the word "blue-yellow" (the colours of the Swedish flag) in our name. This only emphasizes the fact that we are needed. We must have room for a healthy nationalism!

Blågula Frågor is anti-racist, in the true meaning of the word: we oppose hostility against foreigners as well as hostility directed against Swedes.